3 geNarrations / 3 geNarracje a short animated film by Paulina Ziolkowska, music by pablo Herrera and Naybi Suyua, edited by: Gabriel Herrera Torres
A child is born. A daughter becomes a mother. A mother becomes a grandmother.  A grandmother…. she just wants to die. The generations shift, move forward. Family members need to step into someone else's shoes. But do they? To escape becoming your own mother can you start to dance a generations dance? One step forward, two steps backward?
8 min 34
Short film 2K, 24 f/s, 5.1 surround sound

Director : Paulina Ziółkowska
Music : Naybi Suyua Esparza Luna
Sound: Pablo Herrera Torres

Animation :
Paulina Ziółkowska, Max Litvinov, Vera Dematchouk, Alicja Błaszczyńska, Daria Kruszka, Zofia Skórka, Agnieszka Czachór
Paulina Ziółkowska, Bogdan Ziółkowski, Małgorzata Borowiec-Uljanicka
Editing : Gabriel Herrera Torres
Artistic supervisors: Piotr Dumała, Gil Alkabetz

Producer : Fumi  Studio 2021


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